Welcome to the Caring Blog

Learn more about home care, senior health, and family caregiving.

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      Celebrating Senior Citizens’ Day

      There are over 40 million adults over 65 years old in the US, and that number is expected to continue growing over the coming...

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      Tags: Senior Living

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      Healthy Living Habits to Prevent a Stroke

      Strokes are the leading cause of long-term disability among seniors, but most of them can be prevented by living a healthy...

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      Tags: Senior Living, Stroke

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      How to Celebrate Your Aging Parents

      National Parents’ Day is the fourth Sunday of July each year in the US. The holiday was established in 1994 as a day when we can...

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      Tags: Senior Living

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      15 Gifts to Get Your Grandparents for Christmas

      2020 has been a hard year, and the pandemic may be putting a damper on your holiday spirits as well. Many places are still locked...

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      Tags: Holidays, Senior Living

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      Alexa, Turn On My Bed Light
      By Jeff Salter On October 20, 2020

      Alexa, Turn On My Bed Light

      Last month I shared some thoughts on the challenges of bringing technology to seniors and the technical difficulty connecting it...

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      Tags: Senior Safety, Senior Living

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      Essential Kitchen Modifications for Seniors to Remain Safe at Home 

      As seniors get older, their home may become more of a threat than a sanctuary. It can become difficult for them to get around...

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      Tags: Senior Living

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      Top 10 Netflix Shows for Seniors

      Seniors tend to have a lot of spare time.Luckily, seniors today have access to great entertainment on demand—so there’s no...

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      Tags: Senior Living

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      When Is the Right Time for Mom and Dad to Downsize Their Home?

      Downsizing is a personal decision for any senior. Most find that during retirement, it is easier and more enjoyable to live in a...

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      Tags: Senior Safety, Senior Living

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      How to Help Mom Feel Loved for Valentine's Day

      Valentine's Day will be here before you know it, so it's a good idea to put some thought and creativity into what you do for your...

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      Tags: Senior Living

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      10 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

      As the holidays approach, a large focus of parties and family gatherings is the food. Treasured recipes are often passed from one...

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      Tags: Senior Health, Senior Living, Heart health

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      10 Habits to Ensure Healthy Living for the Elderly

      Elderly age comes with a plethora of changes in your body, mind, routine, stamina, power, and enthusiasm. However, it is very...

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      Tags: Senior Health, Senior Living

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      How to Handle Your Senior Parent Dating

      If you have lost a parent or if your parents have split up, you might have to deal with the fact that your mom or dad is going to...

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      Tags: Senior Living