Welcome to the Caring Blog

Learn more about home care, senior health, and family caregiving.

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      7 Most Common Surgeries for Older Adults

      It's no secret that seniors face more health challenges than other age groups. With these challenges may come the need for...

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      Tags: Senior Health, Hospital, Rehabilitation,

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      Signs You Need a Joint Replacement

      While we all experience aches and pains as we get older, pain or stiffness in joints could signal something more severe. Worn out...

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      Tags: Knee replacement, Hip Replacement

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      Lifetime Precautions after Hip Replacement

      Surgeons perform over 544,000 hip replacements each year in the United States. These surgeries can help older adults reduce pain...

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      Tags: Hip Replacement

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      Timeline for Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery

      If you or a loved one are considering hip or knee replacement surgery, then you are probably wondering about the timeline for...

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      Tags: Knee replacement, Hip Replacement

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      Best Durable Medical Equipment after Hip Replacement

      If you or your loved one has been suffering from hip joint pain, you are most likely looking forward to the relief hip...

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      Tags: Hip Replacement

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      Tips for Effective Home Care after a Hip Replacement

      There are over 300,000 hip replacement surgeries performed each year in the United States. The goal for those who have this...

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      Tags: Hip Replacement