Welcome to the Caring Blog

Learn more about home care, senior health, and family caregiving.

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      7 Most Common Surgeries for Older Adults

      It's no secret that seniors face more health challenges than other age groups. With these challenges may come the need for...

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      Tags: Senior Health, Hospital, Rehabilitation,

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      10 Self-Care Tips for the Sandwich Generation

      A quarter of adults in the United States are part of the "sandwich generation." This generation juggles multiple roles as they...

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      Tags: Family Caregiver, Mental Health

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      The Power of One-on-One Care

      In our fast-paced and digital world, it's easy to overlook the value of a individualized care. Some senior care companies are...

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      Tags: Senior Health, Senior Living

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      Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Seniors

      Aging often comes with unique challenges that can impact our ability to perform daily activities. As older adults navigate their...

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      Tags: Therapy

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      Understanding the Nutritional Needs of Seniors

      As we age, our nutritional needs undergo significant changes. A well-balanced and nutrient-dense diet becomes crucial for...

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      Tags: Senior Health

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      Maintaining Privacy and Dignity in End-of-Life Care

      Caring for a loved one at the end of their life can be emotionally challenging. This type of care requires a deep commitment to...

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      Tags: Senior Health

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      What You Need to Know About Thyroid Disorders

      You may not have ever thought about thyroid disorders, but they can be common for seniors over 80 years old. In fact, 1 in 10...

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      Tags: Senior Health

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      Common Winter Illnesses to Watch For

      The winter time can be tough for families. Cold weather means that everyone is stuck inside more, There’s not as much sunshine....

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      Tags: Senior Health

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      Most Common Shoulder Injuries in Seniors

      Shoulder pain in the elderly is fairly common. As we age, our joints can become stiff, inflamed, and painful due to the wear and...

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      Tags: Senior Health, Rehabilitation

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      Signs You Need a Joint Replacement

      While we all experience aches and pains as we get older, pain or stiffness in joints could signal something more severe. Worn out...

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      Tags: Knee replacement, Hip Replacement

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      Lifetime Precautions after Hip Replacement

      Surgeons perform over 544,000 hip replacements each year in the United States. These surgeries can help older adults reduce pain...

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      Tags: Hip Replacement

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      Heart Attack vs Heart Failure

      The heart works hard to provide your body with the oxygen it needs to function. It works while you sleep, eat, talk, run. It’s...

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      Tags: Heart health