Welcome to the Caring Blog

Learn more about home care, senior health, and family caregiving.

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      7 Traits the Oldest Seniors All Have in Common

      The idea of living a very long and happy life is a goal that is universal. Every one of us would like to reach the 100-mark and...

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      Tags: Senior Health

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      Sundowning in Seniors with Alzheimer's & Dementia

      If you have a loved one with Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia, then you are already dealing with many unique challenges...

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      Tags: Alzheimer's & Dementia

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      Why Hiring a Professional Caregiver Might Be Your Best Option

      As seniors age, daily life can become more difficult. Whether it's harder to get around, their social life isn't as it once was,...

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      Tags: Caregivers, Home Care

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      What Is a Caregiver?
      By Michael Watson On January 1, 2019

      What Is a Caregiver?

      "Caregiver" or "caretaker" refers to anyone who provides care for another person. There are different types of caregivers that...

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      Tags: Caregivers

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      What to Expect From a Knee Replacement Surgery

      A growing number of seniors are exploring knee replacement surgery to address recurring knee pain, arthritis, and stiffness....

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      Tags: Knee replacement

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      Ensuring a Senior's Safe Admission to Rehab or Home Health Care

      After a senior is discharged from the hospital, they may need additional care from a rehabilitation center or from home health...

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      Tags: Hospital, Rehabilitation

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      Exercising Indoors: Stay at Home and Get Fit

      Seniors who wish to get back into an exercise program often want to start out at home, in the comfort of their own surroundings....

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      Tags: Senior Fitness, Exercise

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      Best Practices for Identifying High-Risk Discharges

      Whether a senior is being discharged from a hospital or a rehabilitation facility, it’s important to identify signs of a...

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      Tags: Hospital, Rehabilitation

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      How to Travel Comfortably and Safely as a Senior

      Regardless of age, travelers should always plan their journeys to ensure a safe and comfortable trip. Age shouldn’t stop someone...

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      Tags: Travel Tips

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      'Smart Glasses' Could Revolutionize Daily Living for Seniors

      Smart glasses are an accessory that can make a senior's life much easier in a number of ways by simplifying the processes of...

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      Tags: Technology

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      Can a Virtual Bike Ride Help with Dementia?

      Currently, there is no cure for serious mental illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. However, certain technological...

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      Tags: Alzheimer's & Dementia, Senior Fitness

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      Exercise Wearables for Active Seniors

      It's essential for your beloved senior to stay active. They may be an avid walker or participate in yoga-inspired stretching....

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      Tags: Senior Fitness, Exercise