Welcome to the Caring Blog

Learn more about home care, senior health, and family caregiving.

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      7 Considerations When Renewing Life Insurance

      Life insurance policies provide financial protection and peace of mind to your loved ones. Most policies last for a specific...

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      Tags: Finances, Insurance

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      Travel Insurance for Senior Citizens: What You Should Know

      No matter the age, traveling will always be an exciting moment in a person’s life. However, frequent travelers know that...

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      Tags: Travel Tips, Insurance

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      What to Look for in Long-Term Care Insurance

      Despite the large baby boomer generation, only about 13% of Americans invest in long-term care insurance. While this type of...

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      Tags: Long-Term Care, Finances, Insurance

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      When Should I Get Long-Term Health Insurance?

      While there is no one age that fits every single person when it comes to the best time to buy long-term health insurance, the...

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      Tags: Long-Term Care, Finances, Insurance

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      Surprising Things Senior Health Insurance Doesn’t Cover

      Most seniors may think that their Medicare A or B plus covers every Medicare-approved service or treatment. Unfortunately, some...

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      Tags: Medicare, Finances, Insurance

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      What Is a Hybrid Long-Term Care Insurance Policy?

      Until recently, seniors were given just 1 option for purchasing life insurance as well as long-term care insurance. They had to...

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      Tags: Long-Term Care, Finances, Insurance