
9 Easy Home Remedies for Seniors with a Sore Throat 

By Rachelle Ehlert

As we age, our immune systems weaken, making us more prone to infections like pesky sore throats. Seniors may struggle to fight off infections and recover from a sore throat. Additionally, they might resist going to the doctor, so trying natural remedies can be a helpful first step.

We've compiled a list of our favorite home remedies to help soothe sore throats.

Causes of a Sore Throat

So what exactly causes that tickle in the back of the throat? According to the Mayo Clinic, multiple factors could lead to a sore throat:

  • Viral infections, like the common cold or flu
  • Bacterial infections, like strep throat
  • Allergies
  • Dry air
  • Irritants, like smoke and air pollution
  • Muscle strain
  • Acid reflux

Identifying the cause can help in choosing the most effective treatment. No matter the underlying cause, side effects of a sore throat include hoarseness, painful swallowing, sneezing, and nausea. These symptoms are unpleasant for adults of any age!

Why Seniors Are More Susceptible to Sore Throats

Seniors tend to be more susceptible to sore throats because of a weaker immune system, which makes it harder to fight off infections. They also have thinner oral mucus membranes, making their throats more prone to irritation from irritants and dry air. Chronic conditions and medications can further compromise their immune response, increasing their vulnerability to infections.

Seniors have a higher risk of complications from sore throats, like infections that can turn into more serious illnesses. Their bodies might not fight off infections as quickly, so it's important to treat symptoms early. Ignoring a sore throat or waiting too long to get help could lead to more discomfort and health issues.

RELATED CONTENT: 5 Ways to Prevent the Common Cold

Natural Remedies for Sore Throats

While there are over-the-counter medications, sometimes natural remedies can be just as effective in soothing a sore throat. While they might not cure a sore throat, these remedies can help alleviate pain and inflammation, making it easier to eat, talk, and sleep.

Here are our favorite remedies that can provide relief for seniors experiencing a sore throat.

1. Honey 

WHY IT WORKS: Due to its antibacterial properties, people have used it to help heal wounds for centuries. It can help fight off bacteria while also combating inflammation in your throat.

WHAT YOU NEED: 1 cup of hot tea or water, a few tablespoons of honey, and a mug.

Mix up the ingredients and drink the honey mixture several times a day as needed.

2. Lemon 

WHY IT WORKS: Lemon is another powerful ingredient for your sore throat. Lemon can help break up mucus in your throat. Plus, this citrus fruit contains lots of vitamin C, which can help boost your immune system as it fights the root cause of your sore throat.

WHAT YOU NEED: 1 cup of water, a few tablespoons of lemon juice, and a cup or mug.

Mix lemon juice in a glass of warm water and drink. Take several times a day as needed.

3. Hotty Toddy 

WHY IT WORKS: The hotty toddy is a popular home remedy that helps relieve cold symptoms — including a sore throat. It has whiskey or rum, lemon, honey, and rich spices to help your sore throat and get you back to feeling yourself.

WHAT YOU NEED: Hot water, whiskey, honey, lemon juice, cinnamon, and a mug.

Get the complete recipe and scientific evidence in The Hotty Toddy: Grandpa’s Cure for the Common Cold

4. Salt Water 

WHY IT WORKS: Another traditional home remedy for a sore throat is to gargle saltwater. Warm liquids can help soothe the throat while salt can help kill bacteria that may be causing your sore throat. Plus, it promotes healing, which is why oral surgeons often recommend gargling with salt water after major dental procedures.

WHAT YOU NEED: 1/2 teaspoon of table salt, 1 cup of warm water, and a mug.

Just mix the ingredients and gargle. Do not drink the salt water. Gargle every few hours until your sore throat starts feeling better.  

5. Baking Soda 

WHY IT WORKS: Like a saltwater gargle, a baking soda gargle could also help you fight off a sore throat. This home remedy isn’t as widespread as gargling with salt water, but it can be just as effective. Baking soda helps kill bacteria and keep it from spreading. It could also help break up the mucus stuck in the throat.

WHAT YOU NEED: 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 cup of warm water, and a mug.

Gargle this mixture every few hours as needed. Do not drink the baking soda water.

6. Hot Sauce 

WHY IT WORKS: This home remedy might sound like it could hurt an already fiery throat, but the hot sauce could help your throat feel better. The main ingredient in most hot sauces is peppers, which contain capsaicin. This chemical compound helps fight inflammation and reduce pain; it may also help break up mucus. Be careful because hot sauce can cause your acid reflux to flare up.

WHAT YOU NEED: Bottle of hot sauce.

Add hot sauce to a meal to feel the effects. You can also mix a few drops of hot sauce in a glass of water and gargle it. If you don’t have hot sauce around the house, you could also create a similar concoction with cayenne pepper. 

7. Apple Cider Vinegar 

WHY IT WORKS: Apple cider vinegar is a home remedy for blood sugar levels, warts, or other ailments. And it might help your throat. Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties, which help it fight off infection. Plus, the acidic nature of the vinegar can help break up mucus in your throat.

WHAT YOU NEED: Apple cider vinegar.

Take a shot of apple cider vinegar or mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and drink it. You can do this several times a day, but drink plenty of water in between.  

8. Garlic 

WHY IT WORKS: Garlic is another food that has antibacterial properties. Plus, it contains allicin, which fights infection. And that's not all that garlic does! Garlic may also boost the immune system and help manage high blood pressure.

WHAT YOU NEED: Fresh garlic.

You can leverage garlic’s medicinal properties by including fresh garlic in your diet. You can even suck on a clove of garlic — but please brush your teeth afterward to freshen up your breath!  

9. Humidifiers 

WHY IT WORKS: A humidifier is a home remedy that relies on technology. Dry air can be harsh on the mouth and throat, causing or worsening sore throats. A humidifier releases water vapor to help keep your skin, nasal passages, and throat moist.

WHAT YOU NEED: A humidifier and water

We recommend running your humidifier overnight to enjoy the benefits; however, you can also run it during the day. Refill the tank when it gets low and make sure your home isn't getting too humid. If you don’t have a humidifier, take a hot shower or bath and let the bathroom get steamy.  

When to Seek Medical Treatment

While home remedies can help alleviate sore throat symptoms, it's important to know when to see a doctor. See a doctor if:

  • The sore throat lasts for more than a few days
  • You also have a fever
  • You have difficulty swallowing
  • You experience severe pain
  • Other symptoms arise

Additionally, if there's a history of recurrent sore throats or underlying health conditions, seeking medical attention early can prevent complications and ensure appropriate treatment.

Final Thoughts: Home Remedies for Sore Throats

Generally, seniors are more prone to sore throats due to weaker immune systems and other health factors. Natural remedies may help seniors manage their symptoms at home. If symptoms get worse, talk to your doctor for evaluation and treatment.

If you have any home remedies to help a sore throat, we'd love to hear them! Send your ideas to our team, and we can incorporate them into our post.

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Tags: Senior Health