
Caring Shares Veteran Program on Good Things Utah

By Caring News
Brandyn Simmons and Brandy Andersen from Caring Senior Service of Wasatch were featured on Good Things Utah once again. They were interviewed by Nicea DeGering and Deena Manzanares. They share how Caring Senior Service is helping veterans and their families through home care. Watch the interview on Good Things Utah or read the full transcript below.

Full Interview Transcript

Deena Manzanares
Welcome back to GTU! Taking care of our loved ones can be challenging. From personal care to transportation and meal prep. But there is a local company that can provide those services and so much more.
Nicea DeGering
Joining us now is Brandy Andersen and Brandyn Simmons from Caring Senior Service. I love that you 2 wore your jammies. It's a cozy day on GTU. Brandyn, let's start with you. What do you do at Caring Senior Service?
Brandyn Simmons
We provide respite care, house cleaning, transportation services — all non-medical to complement medical, whether it's home health or hospice. We are just there to help the seniors age in place with dignity and in the comfort of their own homes. 
Deena Manzanares
"Comfort of their own homes." That's a big one. I saw that with grandparents. That was a struggle. So, in the end, they want to stay in their own surroundings, in their own familiarity. Will you talk a little bit too about caretakers and why caretakers need this additional help?
Brandy Andersen
Family caretakers? They need that additional support so they can actually be family. They slip into a role of caregiver, and they lose that time of bonding and those activities that they used to do with their loved ones because they are caring for them. And so the services we provide with our caregivers gives them that opportunity to be family — be a mother, be a father, son — whatever that role looks like. So it gives them that. 
Nicea DeGering
Brandy, you mentioned some of the services, but I know that there are so many more things that you do. Can you tell us a couple of those?
Brandy Andersen
As Brandyn mentioned, the personal care that we do. We do showering and those kinds of things. But we are also involved with a special program with the VA. And these are kind of untapped territory for services that have come to light. And so we are focusing on our veterans as well so they can get some in-home care. This is a wonderful program to be involved with.
Deena Manzanares
Tell us a little more when it comes to what is available to veterans specifically. Do they know about these resources? Let's help spread the word. Tell them what they can offer. 
Brandyn Simmons
Yeah, I believe that there's about 11 million veterans that qualify for these services. But currently, there's about 600,000 that are using them. Mostly because they don't know. So, we have a non-profit that works with veterans to ensure that they get the care that they need through the VA. And we also interview them and then record their stories and catalog with the Library of Congress to preserve them. And that's called Generations: The Stories of Our Heroes.
Nicea DeGering
Really? Is that happening with each veteran?
Brandyn Simmons
If they want to.
Nicea DeGering
If they want to! What types of stories are you hearing?
Brandyn Simmons
Oh my gosh, well, the war stories, the growing up, being 17 years old in Vietnam, or 18 years old in WW2. You know we still have few that are from that era. Like my great uncle who's a 93-year-old Marine who was a sharpshooter and the third top sharpshooter in the country and was training them at the base. So, very interesting stories. 
Deena Manzanares
What do those that you take care of and their families say how this is benefitting them and helping them across the board?
Brandy Andersen
I think that it's important because it's an honor. I think they like to see their loved ones honored and remembered. For me, personally, my husband assed away was a 20-year veteran of the Army. And so this program is especially important to me on a personal level. I love for his story to be told. I love the fact that families can talk about their own personal heroes. To have a personal hero in your family is nothing short of a wonderful gift and an honor.
Nicea DeGering
Thank you 2 for all that you do. As someone who knows that my mom is cared for by people who love her and think about her everyday, it just makes family members feel so comfortable. What makes your Caring Senior Service stand out? What would you say?
Brandyn Simmons
Well, I would say for one the actual care and compassion, which is sometimes an overused term, but it's real. And we also have technologies in place that will, let's say, the family caregiver that doesn't have eyes on mom 24/7, this technology — we're not monitoring, we aren't recording — but if something happens, it will notify them or us immediately. And we can share that data with not only the family but with referral partners, with home health, hospice, whoever they may be, to know that that patient or that client is getting the best care possible and staying safe.
Deena Manzanares
What peace of mind. And you can really feel that you care, and the warmth. So if somebody is watching right now, and say, "That's somebody I want to meet right now, introduce to a family member." Where do we go to do that and learn more?
Brandy Andersen Our office is the Wasatch office. And we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Tags: Caring Senior Service News